Pengaruh Komunikasi Internal terhadap Kepuasan Kerja di Dinas Kebudayaan dan Pariwisata Kabupaten Pemalang
The aim of the study is to analyze and determine the effect of internal communication on job satisfaction of the staff of the Department of Culture and Tourism, Pemalang District, Indonesia. The research method used is descriptive survey and explanatory survey, with data collection techniques used are questionnaires, interviews, observation and literature study. The hypothesis was tested using the path analysis. The sample in this research is all employees of Culture and Tourism Department which amounted to 93 people. The instrument of data collection used is by using questionnaire with likert scale. The results of the study indicate that internal communication and job satisfaction of civil service and tourism officers of Pemalang district still not running well. The result also shows that there is influence of internal communication to job satisfaction which equal to 72,6%.