Komparasi Kinerja Keuangan Sebelum dan Sesudah Merger dengan Rasio Keuangan dan Metode Economic Value Added pada PT. Bank OCBC NISP, Tbk.
Bank OCBC NISP officially merged with Bank OCBC Indonesia in 2011 as a form of
adherence to the rules of single presence policy of Bank Indonesia in 2006, and with
expectation to create synergies between the two banks. This study aims to determine whether
there are differences in financial performance before and after the merger of PT. Bank OCBC
NISP Tbk. by using financial ratios with three indicators, which is the liquidity ratio, solvency
ratio, and profitability ratio, and also economic value added method.
The research method is using descriptive analysis with quantitative approach. The data
using secondary data that obtained from Indonesia Stock Exchange and financial statements of
PT. Bank OCBC NISP Tbk. before the merger in 2007-2010 and after the merger in 2011-2014.
Financial performance comparison test has been calculated by using paired sample t-test.
The results showed there was an increase in the ratios after the merger which is
characterized by the higher of credits with increasing LDR, capital increase which is
characterized by increasing CAR and profitability increase which is characterized by
increasing ROA. But the increase is not significant, only economic valued added method that
significantly to increase in value added companies after the merger, it shows that the purpose of
the merger have not been yet totally achieved.